Why We Love to Wear our Patriotic Clothing - Tactical Pro Supply, LLC

Why We Love to Wear our Patriotic Clothing

Wearing quality clothing that shows our patriotism is an American way of life. It's like telling the world that we are American and we are proud to be free. From hats with our flag patched onto the front, to tactical hoodies that keep us warm, clothing and apparel from America for Americans shows we love our great country! 

But that freedom isn't free. Hundreds of thousands of men and women paid the ultimate price and are now memorialized in shrines throughout the country. Hundreds of thousands more paid the price but lived. Many lost limbs and suffered from mental illness. Today, many veterans suffer from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).

Support For Our Veterans

One reason we love to wear our patriotic clothing comes from the respect for our veterans - both past and present. Without them, we would not be here. From the first shots at the Revolutionary War, to protecting school children's rights in Afghanistan, our veterans are the heartbeat of our freedom. Without veterans, liberty is just a word.

At Tactical Pro Supply, we support our veterans by donating a portion of everything we sell to veteran groups. We do this because almost no one else will. Many veterans are homeless and begging for money at freeway on-ramps. Many more have mental illnesses from their sacrifices to protect our rights. Some veterans survived the war, only to take their own lives after serving their country. This is why we wear patriotic clothing!

100% Made in the U.S.A.

We love to wear patriotic clothing because it shows we are American, or at least that we want to be American. At Tactical Pro Supply, all our clothing is made right here in the U.S.A. Why is this important? For one, we'd be hypocrites if we sold clothing made outside the U.S.A., and that's not our style. Rest assured, 100% made in the U.S.A. is more than a sales gimmick—it's a promise.

We pride ourselves in knowing we sell patriotic clothing made by Americans for Americans. 100% made in the U.S.A. means that you are giving an American a job when you buy patriotic clothing from Tactical Pro Supply. The more you buy, the more work there is for Americans. In this age of shipping jobs overseas, that's a big deal.

Show Our Love of this Great Country

When you wear patriotic clothing, you show everyone around you how much you love your country. Wearing clothing and gear from Tactical Pro Supply means you value freedom and the rule of law. Patriotic clothing shows you care about our rights as Americans, that there is no better place to live on earth. You are proud to be American.


Many might think that wearing patriotic clothing is a walking cliché. Let those who think that think have their opinion, it's their right! However, those of us that wear patriotic clothing know better. Our patriotic clothing shows we support our veterans and our country. Plus, patriotic clothing from Tactical Pro Supply shows we care about American jobs. And don't forget - a portion of all profits we make goes to our veterans. 

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